Mar 20, 2012

My First Winter as an Active Person is Now Over

Winter came and went and I regret it's over. Because it was an unusually mild winter, my kids and I didn't actually get enough of a chance to enjoy it. We could have done a lot more tobogganing.

From the onset of this attempt to reclaim myself from obesity, I dreaded the coming of winter. Even in my previous athletic/dieting periods I slowed down in winter and didn't do much. Having access to my clinic's gym helped this time out. It also helped that its not a regular gym. You make appointments and you feel obliged to keep those appointments. Even when I start to slip off the wagon, my appointment at the gym twice a week keeps me on.

It was a fun winter, much more enjoyable than any I've had--save one where I took up skiing--as an adult. I bicycled with the family on a cool night in November. I trained on a treadmill with the highest incline to get me ready for climbing our large tobogganing hill, then I climbed it. Then it became easier and easier to climb. Hill climbing became my winter exercise and it did wonders for futhering the improvement (fitness level) of  my cardiovascular system.

But the highlight of my winter was when I faced my fears and preconceptions head on by going for a walk in -45 wind chills. It was on my wife's birthday, we had gone out for supper and it was bitterly cold that night. The four of us huddled under covers for an hour just to warm up again. Walking from the car to the house was excruciating.

Yet I came up with the idea later that night to try out my MEC balaclava with my new warm gloves and layers of clothes. It was an amazing experience and I doubt I'll ever forget it. Obviously, it proved I could do anything in any weather, so winter was no longer an obstacle to staying healthy.

It was even enjoyable being out that night. The air, as cold as it was, was fresh and being in nature when it's fierce is still being in nature. My senses were heightened to the max and I loved it. My walk in -25 a few days later seemed like a ho-hum non-event.

Now I'm doing some time on a recumbent bike at the gym twice per week to make sure I'm ready for bicycle season, Chapter 2. Spring snuck up on me but I can't wait to see what this year brings.

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