Jul 21, 2011

50 Pounds

Nicole and her diet/fitness guru co-worker
My friend Nicole lost fifty pounds and was pictured on Facebook holding up a 50 pound bag of giant carrots to illustrate the significance of her achievement. She lives in Toronto but I live in a smaller city where I suspect it's more difficult to find 50 pound bags of giant carrots. Frankly, I don't know why they exist. Perhaps for feeding your horse.

Or maybe eating jumbo carrots is how Nicole lost fifty pounds, I don't know. I didn't ask.

I tried to figure out what large fifty pound object I could hold up for a photo to illustrate the 51 pounds of fat I shed in the last four months. I couldn't think of anything interesting so I looked around the house until I found something suitable, then I made a short video, because a picture doesn't do it justice.

Update: I came across a fifty pound bag of carrots by accident in a grocery store that caters to restaurants. Each member of my family lifted the bag and couldn't believe that that much left me.


  1. Most awesome James! congratulations!!!!

  2. Awesome man... Can't wait to see what you find for the hundred pound marker:))) posted by the guy standing beside Nicole:)))

  3. Congratulations, James! I attended the once a week class with you at the medical clinic. You inspired me then and continue to do so now through this blog. Just wanted you to know I'm still out there rooting for you!!--Chris

  4. WTG James!

    (I've seen 50 lb bags of carrots at restaurants.)
