Jul 2, 2011

First Bike Ride with Family

My first very short test runs in my neighbourhood were conducted under the cover of darkness I struggled going half way down the block on my wife's ill-fitting mountain bike and conducting several seat tests on my newly-refurbished hybrid bike. Tonight we set forth in front of God and my neighbours, including the weird one down the block with a large analogue clock hanging in her picture window.

I felt conspicuous and awkward, although less than I would have before my adventure with my son yesterday. With my wife towing my three year old daughter in a bike trailer, and my son on his bike, we hit the three corners of Uplands (the city subdivision I live in.)

It was a very enjoyable 45 minute ride as the sun set over the houses in this prairie town. I was a lot more relaxed this time, and halfway through my ride, I realized I felt like I normally do on my bike: completely at ease, in control and not exceedingly huge.

Maybe I wasn't. My son yelled from behind me, "Hey Daddy, you look smaller. Your back looks smaller!"

I arrived home confident and unashamed, looking to dismount gracefully in front of my neighbours. However, my foot got stuck on my saddle during the dismount and I almost pulled a muscle trying to save face.

Oh well, screw them. I don't see any of them biking!

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