Jan 27, 2012

OMG! I Think I May Have Gotten In Touch With My "I'm Full" Signal Again!

I hate to jinx myself but I think I've been getting the "full" signal from my stomach lately and now all I have to do is listen to it.

It's been tempting to ignore it because it has come at unexpected times, like early on in a feeding. But I've been heeding it lately and expecting that I was wrong to do so, only to find that I did, in fact, have enough to eat (because I didn't get hungry again right away.) I always want to eat until my stomach is literally full and straining to contain my meal. That's the signal I've been using to stop eating rather than the proper "I'm full" signal which we learned about in Craving Change.

My job now is to get to know that signal and get to trust it. For me, I worry about getting hungry after the table is cleared and there's no more food around. That's been a long-standing problem for me. Having snacks around that I can eat if I do get hungry will help put me at ease. This all fits in with eating smaller meals in larger numbers rather than three big meals.

Try fishing around for your "I'm full signal" next time you eat. It might just be calling you but you're not hearing it.

I'll keep you up to date on how my signal-listening is going.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're blogging. I've really been enjoying the journey. ~Monica
