Jul 28, 2013

One Year of Mountain Biking

Almost exactly one year ago I pieced together my first mountain bike and tried it out around the 'hood.

Tonight I walked to the local park  that is the former landfill where I toboggan with the kids in the winter and I had a flashback to those first days of having that bike. I remember trying it "off road" on level grass and I hated it. It was so slow and my arms hurt from holding up my body. It was tedious and a huge effort to do virtually nothing. In the background, stood the big hill which I only recently was able to walk up at the time. To think that I could ride that same bike UP that hill, repeatedly, and not think for a second about arm strain or other fatigue is startling to me. 

And it's a stark reminder of how I wasn't always like I am today, this week. I so easily forget the way things were. I'm thinking maybe putting pictures on the wall as a constant reminder. 

1 comment:

  1. Halo my name is Iman from Indonesia. I like reading your experiences cycling becouse like you two years a go, I am overweight and just starting to bycicling every day around 3 or 4 kilometer before get to work. Thanks for your writings they really made me more motivated :). Here is my web in Bahasa so I think you will not understand it :) -> http://pustakawanjugamanusia.web.id
